Film Industry Jobs: How To Get Your Foot in the Door

The film industry is a competitive place, and it’s hard to get a job as an a runner or production assistant. However, if you have the skills and contacts needed for any of these jobs, there are plenty of opportunities out there for you to get hired. This article will show you how to find a job in Hollywood without being crushed by all those other applicants who have been there longer than you have!

No Single Path to Finding a Job in the Film Industry

There are many different ways to find a job in film. You can start out as an intern, or you can apply for a job as soon as you graduate. You can also volunteer your time and skills to help others in the industry.

If you want to work in the movie industry but don’t know where to start, look for employment opportunities at studios or production companies by signing up on their websites directly and asking them about open positions. These websites may list roles such as “Assistant Director” or “Location Scout” that could lead anywhere from directing commercials all the way up through producing feature films.

Most importantly though: ask questions! Anybody who works at these places will be happy to answer any questions that come up along their journey toward becoming successful filmmakers themselves someday soon enough too!

With several hundred production companies in the UK alone, we bring together the best vacancies into one website – saving you the time researching every single company.

Work Experience Leads to a Good Career

The most important thing to remember is that you can gain experience in your field by working on projects outside of your formal training. You may be surprised at how much this will help you when it comes time for employers or recruiters to look at your resume.

Working with others gives you the chance to learn from people who have been doing this job longer than you, and therefore has more success in their careers. And if they’re successful enough? You could end up following in their footsteps!

Internships & Volunteering

Internships are an excellent way to get your foot in the door and all internships in the UK are now paid. On the other hand, volunteering is unpaid, but you get the opportunity to shadow and work with production crew members.

It’s also a good idea to consider volunteering for a film festival, as this can work as a stepping stone into the industry.

Film Jobs are Competitive

It’s vital that you understand that film jobs are competitive. There are many people who want to work in film, so it can get a little brutal securing that first role.

You need to stand out from the crowd, too – you can do this by demonstrating skills and experience that make you more valuable than other candidates. This means getting solid training, completing projects as part of your portfolio if applicable (and letting people know about them), learning how to write well enough so employers can understand what you have written/spoken about before taking a look at your CV…and so on!

Networking is Vital

Networking is the key here, and it’s not just limited to the film industry. You can network with people in your community who are working on projects that you’re passionate about.

You need to be proactive about building your reputation as someone who is willing and able to sell yourself—and not just because you have a good idea! It also helps if you have experience in the field or industry you’re looking into, so look into other opportunities within those fields; they might just be hiring right now!

Your Success: Who You Know

It’s important to note that your success will depend on who you know. If you are able to get in front of the right people, then those same people will be able to help you get a job in the industry. In fact, many times an agent or producer will recommend someone based on their previous experience working with them and what they value in their talent.

If you want a shot at working on set, being memorable is key! The best way I can describe this is by saying “you need something interesting about yourself so people remember who you are when they look at my resume or watch my reel.”

Don’t Give Up

It’s easy to get discouraged by the job market, especially one as competitive as film jobs. Don’t give up too easily. If you’re not getting an interview call, then it’s time to make sure that your CV is as strong as possible and put yourself in the best position possible for future opportunities.

Next time around, don’t forget:

  • Be prepared for the next interview! If a previous employer let you down or didn’t return your calls after giving them feedback on some aspects of your work experience (or lack thereof), take note so that next time around they’ll remember who they’re interviewing and how they can help them grow in their careers.
  • Ask questions! Don’t just sit there waiting for questions when you could be the one asking questions about what types of things interest them most/least within their industry; ask about other employees’ accomplishments…the possibilities are endless!


As we’ve seen, there are many different ways to secure a job in film. The best way to find one is by getting involved with other projects and finding out where your interests lie. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice or help from other people who have been through similar experiences – as long as you follow the rules of networking and presenting yourself effectively, you’ll do just fine!